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Azerbaijan’s involvement in international terrorism

Kristine Margaryan

vol. VII(1,2)

Pages 146-166


The Islamic revival in Azerbaijan gave a start to the processes of radicalization

and the society’s involvement in international terrorism. The radicalization

was the result of both domestic and external factors. Under the domestic

factors, the study examined the policy measures towards the religious belief

and activities, and such external factors as Iranian, North Caucasian and

Middle Eastern infl uences. What analysis has shown is the increased tendency

of radicalization. Oppressive policy measures restricted freedoms of

the society making them more radicalized. In addition, in line with having

imposed restrictions people are becoming more vulnerable to external religious

infl uence. A number of Azerbaijanis continue staying in the ranks of

terrorist groups, while others leave the country for reviving the training and

afterwards joining the terrorist groups. All those fi ndings suggest that there

are prospects of further radicalization, which push the society towards the involvement

in international terrorism.

Keywords: International terrorism, Azerbaijan, Salafi sm, Radicalization, Islamization.

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