Song Yanhua, Shen Xingchen, Wang Yingxue
vol. X(2)
Pages 5-23
Abstract: The concept of war is the core of military thought. Johan Galtung
established the theoretical paradigm of Peace Studies and was known as the "father of
Peace Studies". Mozi was a strategist and thinker with a unique pioneering spirit
during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. His idea of
"universal love and non-aggression" is a model of ancient Chinese pacifism. Although
they lived in different times, both of their views on war have had a significant
influence on the world. Their views also share many commonalities. They both believe
that the root of war is the struggle and dislike of people. They both oppose war and
advocate taking care of people. However, due to being from different times, there are
huge differences in their views in regards to being anti-war, the level of taking care of
the population, and the means of defense. The purpose of this comparative study is to
promote the innovative development of China's traditional culture. It also provides
useful inspiration for China's peaceful construction during the current pandemic.
Keywords: Galtung, Mozi, viewpoints of war, peace, epidemic situation