Yeva Harutyunyan
vol. IX(1)
Pages 25-38
Abstract: This paper examines political and economic strategy of Japan in
Central Asia and tries to reveal Japan’s main interests in the region.
Strategic geography and rich natural resources of Central Asian states are
attracting Great Powers and neighboring regional states to increase their
influence in this region. Though Japan is not engaged in “new great
game” politics, it has its political and economic strategy towards the
region. For realizing it, Japan is conducting bilateral and multilateral
relationships with the states of the region by using Official Development
Assistance (ODA) program as a tool.
Being interested in political stability and security of this region, Japan in
its political and economic activities assists the states of Central Asia to
overcome economic difficulties and isolation as well as promotes the
formation of political union for further integration of Central Asian
Keywords: Japan, Central Asia, oil and gas pipelines, peaceful nuclear
energy, Silk Road (or Eurasian) Diplomacy.