Aram Abajyan
vol. VI(1)
Pages 37-58
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the origins, historical
background, development plans and the future between GCC (Gulf
Cooperation Council) unit and rising China. Investigating various aspects
of economic, as well as energy cooperation between the sides help us
comprehend present situation and also predict the possible perspectives
among them.
The GCC’s economic advantageous status in world affairs with its
significant global shifts is attractive to major powers. Especially its
cooperation with principal economic partner China, tends to enter new
and more promising level in the field of international relations.
Although China-GCC relations are developing in multilevel perspectives,
oil sector is going to remain the most significant ‘driving force’ shaping
these ties at least in foreseeable future: Beijing’s growing energy
demands will stimulate the process. On the other hand, ensuring world
major power’s huge energy needs can help GCC unit make its transition
processes from regional to global international arena more rapidly and
Keywords: China, GCC, economy, energy, cooperation