Lilit Harutyunyan
vol. VIII(1)
Pages 5-19
Abstract: The paper focuses on the violence affecting Palestinian refugee
camps in Lebanon. It investigates leadership failures which make them
objects of state governance and subjects of interpersonal violence. It
contends that the violence is not only the result of an Islamist militant
ideology for a specific political or social cause, but also of horrible living
conditions. The lack of legitimate governance structures in the refugee
camps has prevented any improvement in living conditions. This has
generated types of violence that compromise the security of Lebanese and
Palestinians living in Lebanon, especially in the neighborhood of refugee
camps. Long-term deprivation and marginalization are mainly the results of
state policies towards refugees that have generated unique forms of
violence in the refugee camps.
Keywords: Palestinians, Lebanon, camps, violence, governance, refugees,
Islamic movements, Hizballah