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Saudi Arabia-Qatar: from cooperation to confrontation

Araks Pashayan

vol. VII(1,2)

Pages 80-89


On June 5, 2017, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and its allies subjected

Qatar to a series of boycotts and blockades. The initiative came from KSA,

which was concerned over Qatar’s growing ambitions to become an infl uential

state in the region. In these terms, the launch of the blockade was intended

to diminish Qatar’s political autonomy and economic independence. Qatar

never saw its tiny population and territory as a barrier to an independent foreign

policy or regional infl uence.

It should be noted that as early as in March 2014, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,

Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recalled representatives of their

countries’ diplomatic missions from Doha, as Qatar authorities had not actually

fulfi lled their set-forth demands.1 At that time Qatar was accused of

supporting the Muslim Brotherhood2 through the Middle East and North

Africa and beyond, as well as establishing dangerous cooperation with Turkey

and Iran. The causes of the crisis are directly related also to the coming

to power new, young, and ambitious leaders in KSA, Qatar, and UAE who

have become the very architects of drawing new milestones of foreign policy

for their countries. Saudi Arabia and its allies after the turmoil of the Arab

Spring, pushed for Qatar to accept its subordinate status.

Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Iran, boycott, blockade, crisis, Muslim

Brotherhood, Arab Spring

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