Hranush Dermoyan
vol. VII(1,2)
Pages 41-60
In 2016 Turkey made headlines with yet another coup, however, this time
with an unsuccessful outcome. While there were many similarities with previous
coups, there were also major diff erences. After the failed coup, people
showed unprecedented support for the civilian government. Military commanders
of diff erent units made statements assuring their loyalty to the civilian government.
Although purges, martial law and arrest followed the coup attempt,
which was nothing new after a military intervention, this time roles had been
reversed. It was the civilian government which purged the military and removed
unwanted people. The paper argues that the 2016 military coup attempt
failed as the military’s political power had been weakened following reforms
implemented under the demand of the EU in the 2000s. There was also obvious
fragmentation in the military as only one faction participated in the plot.
Keywords: civil-military relations, coup attempt, fragmentation