Gor Gevorgyan
vol. VII(1,2)
Pages 90-99
After the collapse of the USSR, the United States further activated its policy
in diff erent continents with the aim of replenishing the so-called “vacuum
space” that had resulted from the collapse of the bipolar system. In the light
of formation of new correlation of world forces, the American foreign policy
focused mostly on those parts of the world that were of direct importance to
US national security. In this regard, the offi cial Washington proposed a new
concept of geopolitical perception on the global region to regulate its vital
issues and secure its infl uence in the Middle East and North Africa region,
which at the same time would allow the United States to set direct control
over specifi c countries, “managing” their key economic resources, as well as
ensuring the security of its traditional ally Israel.
The new American concept assumed “reconstruction” of the Middle East and
North Africa region and “modernization and transformation” of the countries
in the region. By initiating the process, the United States tried to impose the
so-called “American democracy” model in the region.
Keywords: U.S. Strategy, “American democracy”, “The Great Middle East”,
“Modernization and transformation Middle East and North Africa”, “The
Middle East Reconstruction”, Egyptian Concept for the Development of the
Arab World.